12/2024 (volume 163)
The Nature of the Road in Archaic Roman Law
Czech original: Povaha cesty v archaickém římském právu
Jan Šejdl -
Human Rights Deficits in EU Cooperation in the Seizure and Confiscation of Property
Czech original: Lidskoprávní deficity unijní spolupráce při zajištění a konfiskaci majetku
Jiří Jarolím -
The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Between Regulation and Innovation
Czech original: Budoucnost umělé inteligence: mezi regulací a inovací
Marie Kohoutová -
Regulation of Consumer Manipulation through Dark Patterns in the European set of “digital” Regulations
Czech original: Úprava manipulácie spotrebiteľa prostredníctvom temných vzorov v Európskom súbore „digitálnych“ regulácií
Andrej Krištofík
Against Utilitarianism for Justice and Natural Rights. The Perspective of Classical Juridical Realism
Czech original: Proti utilitarismu za spravedlnost a přirozená práva. Perspektiva klasického právního realismu
Jiří Baroš
Contributions to the Future of the Field
Protection of the Minority Shareholder
Czech original: Ochrana menšinového společníka
Lucie Josková
Bohlander Michael. Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Human Law: The Applicability of Rules of War and Human Rights. 2023
Czech original: Bohlander Michael. Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Human Law: The Applicability of Rules of War and Human Rights. 2023
Jakub Handrlica -
Ondřejek Pavel. Defragmentation of Law. Reconstruction of Contemporary Law as a System. 2023
Czech original: Ondřejek Pavel. Defragmentation of Law. Reconstruction of Contemporary Law as a System. 2023
Lukáš Hlouch – Linda Tvrdíková