Metamorphoses of Law in the Visegrad countries

Law history

Law history as a scientific discipline and as a part of legal education – the present state in Europe – the responsible person (the project proposal)

Law history is in the world context in the state of constant marginalization due to the emphasis laid upon the disciplines of positive law. There are a lot of common problems that are solved in isolation and at the same time the necessity of exchange of information and experience is felt. The aim of the project is to elaborate the survey of the state of legal history as a pedagogic discipline as a means to solve the present stagnation. It is necessary to “map” the state of scientific research and to identify common topics (such as the development of town laws that “mingled” together not only in the context of Central Europe, reception of Roman law); many topics are determined by the period of our common past (not only in the Austria-Hungary). Visegrad countries can in this context form the common core that can “attract” also the research from other countries. The partial result of this project shall be the information on the state of law history in particular European countries in the form of structured national reports within the framework of the conference proceedings or of a monograph. The national law history is of particular importance, because from the wider point of view they are the keys for the making of the general perspective (general history of state and law). The final result shall be the collective monograph of the general (supranational) character on the Visegrad basis that shall sum-up the state of knowledge and show the future perspectives in the field of law history as a pedagogic discipline. As the follow-up of this project next scientific projects, with more particular and concrete focus, shall follow. In the present time the project is prepared in cooperation with Poland “"O średniowiecznych Wielkich Przywilejach i ich ustrojowej oraz politycznej roli w państwach Europy Środkowej“ (Polish initiative). Other European countries next to Visegrad countries shall also participate on this particular project. It shows up that the common history of Visegrad countries goes beyond the present borders and Visegrad countries can be the initiators and center of wider international cooperation. In the discussion the participants emphasized the essential significance of law history for the law education and for the search of common points of view for the understanding of legal cultures of not only Visegrad countries. The possibility of elaboration of history of legal education within the framework of the project was also discussed.

Guarantor (responsible and contact person) – JUDr. Vilém Knoll, Ph.D., Faculty of Law of University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, e-mail: