Experimental philosophy groups active all around Europe have agreed to join forces and establish the model of one big annual European experimental philosophy event. Founding institutions of the Karel Čapek Center for Values in Science and Technology, Faculty of Science of Charles University, the Institute of Philosophy, the Institute of State and Law and the Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences are proud to host the 1st Xphi Europe in June 2020 in Prague.
Keynote speaker
Jesse Prinz, City University of New York
Invited speakers
Kathryn Francis, University of Bradford
Michael Laakasuo, University of Helsinki
Pascale Willemsen, University of Zurich
Xphi Europe 2020 calls for contributed papers on all topics in experimental philosophy. In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the introduction of the word “robot” by the Czech writer Karel Čapek, we especially encourage papers on the topic of moral intuitions about future technologies, such as robots and artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, human enhancement, etc. We also call for contributed symposia on the topic of moral intuitions about future technologies.
Contributed papers/posters
Please submit your paper in EasyChair – an abstract up to 500 words prepared for anonymous review.
The allocated time for each contributed paper is 30 minutes (including discussion).
All submissions will be considered for a talk. In case there are more accepted submissions than talk space available, or the poster format is more suitable for the submission, some submissions will be offered a possibility of a poster presentation.
Contributed symposia (moral intuitions about future technologies)
Each group of talks on a common topic should consist of three to five papers. Symposia should be focused on experimental philosophy research addressing intuitions about future technologies such as autonomous vehicles, robots and artificial intelligence, human enhancement, and other related topics. Please make a submission in EasyChair for the symposium as a whole and also for each paper separately.
For the symposium as a whole, the symposium chair should provide a general description of the format of the symposium, the topic, and how it relates to current issues concerning future technologies (up to 500 words, prepared for anonymous review). After the abstract, please list the titles of the talks in the order they should appear at the conference. Please provide the symposium with an acronym and write this acronym at the beginning of the title of the symposium (“Symposium acronym”: ”Title of symposium”). The acronym will be used by the programme committee to keep the individual submissions in a proposal together during reviewing and when creating the conference programme.
Each paper within a symposium should be submitted separately with an abstract up to 500 words and prepared for anonymous review. Please write the acronym of the symposium at the beginning of the title of the talk (”Symposium acronym”: ”Title of the individual talk”) so that the programme committee has no problem identifying to which symposium the paper belongs.
Please note: each paper intended as part of a symposium should be submitted by its respective author. The symposium chair is responsible for submitting the symposium description and should make sure that each speaker submits his or her own paper by the submission deadline of 29 February 2020.
Although the exact format of symposia is up to the symposium organizers, the allocated time for each symposium paper is 30 minutes.
All questions about submissions should be directed to: michaela.kosova@natur.cuni.cz
Chairmen of Local Organisers: Robin Kopecký and Michaela Jirout Košová (Prague)
Chair of the Programme Committee: Kevin Reuter (Zurich)