Aktuálně Publikováno: 7. 1. 2015


Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, CeLAPA a Kabinet medicínského práva a bioetiky Vás zve na


The Law and Ethics of Age Limits - Czech perspectives

Datum: 15. 1. 2015

Místo: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Národní 18, Praha 1, zasedací místnost 7. patro

Convenors: Adam Doležal (CeLAPA, Research Unit for Medical Law and Bioethics) and Axel Gosseries (Louvain and Franz Weyr Fellow, CeLAPA)

This workshop will aim at discussing specific uses of age limits in law and practice, in employment, pensions, insurance, health care, etc. Papers involving a a detailed analysis and a critical discussion of specific practices, will be especially encouraged, as well as comparisons between age limits against the young and against the elderly, between labour practices and health practices, etc. Priority will be given to paper focusing at least in part on the Czech and Slovak contexts, although sumissions that don’t have this dimension will also be considered.

Program:Chair: Axel Gosseries

13.30 - presentation

14.00 -

Adam Doležal - Organ transplantation and age discrimination in Czech Republic. Should the law be changed?

14.45 -

Zuzana Zoláková - Regulating access to assisted reproduction technologies: Does the law limit access to ART by age? And should it?

15.30 - coffee break

16.00 -

Helena Krejčíková - Should age matter in treating patients with dementia?

16.45 -

Martin Štefko - Age Discrimination in the Czech Labour Market

17.30 - concluding words

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