Aktuálně Publikováno: 10. 2. 2014


Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Center for Law and Public Affairs zvou na přednášku v rámci FRANZ WEYR FELLOWSHIP

Emilios Christodoulidis

Constitutionalism and Austerity

Datum: 27. 2. 2014, 14.00 hod

Místo: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, Národní 18, Praha 1, zasedací místnost, 7. patro

The idea of the Constitution as involving an irreducibly POLITICAL dimension is progressively giving way to a logic of the constitutional as tailored increasingly to the economic priorities of the European Union. This paper is a preliminary attempt to pose the question over what is sacrificed and how to understand the cost of that sacrifice.

Přihlášky zasílejte na akce@ilaw.cas.cz

Emilios Christodoulidis has been Professor of Legal Theory at the Law School since 2006. Prior to that he taught at the University of Edinburgh. He holds degrees from the Universities of Athens (LLB) and Edinburgh (LLM, PhD). His interests lie mainly in the area of the philosophy and sociology of law and in constitutional theory. He is editor of the ‘Edinburgh/Glasgow Law and Society series’ (Ashgate Publishing), and is on the editorial board of Social & Legal Studies and Law & Critique. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the IVR (International Association for Legal and Social Philosophy).