Information Published: 16. 1. 2018

Book under preparation

Publication of the ‘Challenges of the 21st Century: Is Law Keeping Up With Science?’

young scientists and aficionados commenting on the law, technologies and future of our society

Call for Abstracts

The Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v. v. i. is announcing a Call for Abstracts for advanced students of law faculties, post-graduate students, and young legal scientists for the purpose of a publication of a collective monograph focused on work relating to the legal aspects of the modern world, such as:

Robotics, autonomous vehicles and modern technologies in general

Climate protection law, environmental migration and future of power engineering

Shared economy

LGBT, gender and law

Migration and transformations of the concept of human rights

Deadline for sending abstracts: 19 January 2018

The publication focuses on the challenges of the today’s society, which, concurrently, are becoming difficult challenges for both national and international legislations. The speed of scientific and technological progress raises a question as to whether the law is responding to this development with sufficient dynamics. The themes outlined above have been more and more discussed recently, not only from the perspective of human rights.

The goal of the publication, following on the colloquium held on 12 December 2017 where young legal scientists presented their research in these fields, is to cover the tendencies of legislations in response to the issues referred to above.

Editor: Mgr. Zuzana Vrbová, a graduate from the internship of the Open Science programme in the Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Guarantor: JUDr. Hana Müllerová, Ph.D., Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Individuals interested in publishing a chapter of 10-15 standard pages are asked to send an abstract of about two pages long, outlining the content of the chapter and the source, together with brief information on themselves, to and

The work will be published by the Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences as an open-access e-book. The publisher reserves the right to choose which chapters to include in the book and to recommend changes to the extent or content of the received chapters. The manuscript of the work will be the subject of peer review.