Iolande Viricel
Iolande Viricel specializes in private law. Since 2014, her studies have focused on liability and insurance issues when automated and connected vehicles will be on the market. She has published a book entitled “Autonomous Vehicle: Who is Responsible? in 2019 and created the first diploma “Legal aspects of autonomous vehicles” with Aix-Marseille University.
Automated vehicles: from the mandatory insurance to the growth of optional insurances
Automated vehicles raise the question of the insurance. Indeed, the automated vehicle are not clearly defined either by the European law or by the French law. Based on the recently updated SAE Levels Taxonomy, it is possible to basically describe what the characteristics of an automated vehicle are from a legal perspective. Since automated vehicles are motor vehicles with part of automation this legally means that they must be insured due to the Motor Insurance Directive which requires a third-party insurance for all motor vehicles in circulation in the EU. The characteristics of the automated vehicle open the field of possibilities to the insurer who can imagine many new contracts covering a new risk centered on AI.