Eva Fialová
Eva Fialová is a researcher at the Institute of the state and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences. She has experience in the information technology law, especially in the area of algorithms and autonomous systems, AI and data protection. Eva Fialová also cooperates on a project aiming at drafting of legislation for autonomous vehicles in the Czech Republic.
Autonomous vehicles – a question of liability
When it comes to the legal aspects of autonomous vehicles, the issue of liability for damage caused by autonomous vehicles always comes to the fore. In our project, we focused on civil liability. With liability for damage, we use to ask who is liable for the damage and, more importantly, who will compensate it. The Czech Civil Code knows the strict liability of the vehicle operator. The operator does not automatically equal the driver. This concept seems to be the most suitable for autonomous vehicles. However, the operator should have a statutory recourse against the manufacturer, driver or provider of the physical or data infrastructure.