Constituent Power – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Czech original: Ústavodarná moc - včera, dnes a zajtra
Constituent power represents a fundamental concept of thinking about constitution and constitutional law. In this paper, the author analyses the development of the concept from temporal perspective. Firstly, he points out the fundamental characteristics of power in the traditional theories that heavily influenced this category of constitutional law. Central to this part is the analysis of the works of the most famous constitutionalists as well as correlation of the power to other categories of constitutional law (such as sovereignty and democracy). The following section questions the various conclusions stemming from traditional thinking about the power and highlights the tenets of contemporary discourse, including practical implications. The final part is devoted to the existence of constituent power in supranational (global) sphere, taking into account the transfer of power from state onto transnational entities. Notwithstanding the influence of postmodern thought on theoretical and practical role of constituent power, it remains an unparalleled concept especially in providing legitimacy to a constitution.
Czech original: Ústavodarná moc je existencionálnym konceptom myslenia o ústave a ústavnom práve. V tomto príspevku autor analyzuje vývoj tohto konceptu z časovej perspektívy. V prvej časti poukazuje na znaky ústavodarnej moci v klasických teóriách, ktoré najviac ovplyvnili túto kategóriu ústavného práva. V nasledujúcej časti autor polemizuje s niektorými závermi vyplývajúcimi s tradičného myslenia o tejto moci a do popredia dáva súčasné názory ako aj rôzne praktické implikácie. Záverečná časť patrí skúmaniu existencie ústavodarnej moci v nadštátnom (globálnom) priestore cez prizmu transferu moci zo štátu na nadštátne entity.