Life and Work of Emanuel Adler
Czech original: Pozapomenutý civilista Emanuel Adler
Who was Emanuel Adler, a man who remains almost unknown in his Moravian birthplace as well as in Vienna where he held the university chair of civil law? Familiar only to very few civil law freaks and cited merely in special areas like law of name or studies of decline of the crafts production, his scholar personality as a whole as well his work on the field of emerging labour law remains in the shadow of a politician with whom he cooperated, Silesia-born Vice-chancellor of the Republic of Austria, Ferdinand Hanusch. Adler was born in 1873 in the town of Prostějov in Moravia, a part of the Bohemian Lands and of the Habsburg Empire. After law studies in Vienna, he worked for the State Procurement Office in Prague and the State Patent Office in Vienna and got the unpaid position of an Privatdozent at the Univesities in Prague and Vienna. Since 1918 until the end of his life he hold full chair of civil law at the University of Vienna and shortly participated on the new republican legislation in labour affairs as a section chief at the State Office of Social Affairs (Ministry of Social Affairs). His active scholar life ended prematurely in fifty-six years of age in Carlsbad, Bohemia. The paper aims to take first steps toward uncovering the life of this nearly forgotten legal scholar inconspiciously connected with the early years of the Austrian Republic and its important legal reforms.
Czech original: Článek se snaží vykročit vstříc poznání učencova života a díla v jeho šíři a celku různých právních oblastí, do nichž zasahovalo, včetně nenápadného vědcova spolupůsobení při významných právních reformách prvních let mladé Rakouské republiky.