Právník (The Lawyer), the “flagship“ of the Institute, is the oldest legal periodical published in the Czech Republic; it embodies the unique tradition of Czech legal scholarship.
As a general law journal, it features articles and comments on all important developments and relevant issues in legal theory and international, EU and national law. It regularly publishes book reviews and annotations on current titles, and it also reports on major conferences, seminars, and legal events in the Czech Republic and abroad. Occasionnally, Právník also presents legal materials that pertain to current legal issues. Although Právník addresses especially the Czech audience (articles are in Czech or Slovak only), foreign readers can take advantage of English summaries a keywords of its main articles and studies. Právník is a peer-reviewed journal, and it welcomes papers on any topical legal issue.
Current Issue: 2/2025
Servitude by Destination of the Owner: Two Conceptions of the Legal Institute
Czech original: Vlastníkova služebnost: dvě pojetí tohoto institutu
Matěj Czinege -
Segregation as a Special Form of Discrimination
Czech original: Segregace jako zvláštní forma diskriminace
Jakub Tomšej -
Labour Law Autonomy and the Definition of the Concept of a Clergyman in the Roman Catholic Church
Czech original: Pracovněprávní autonomie a vymezení pojmu duchovního v římskokatolické církvi
Vojtěch Jirásko -
Unmarried Cohabitation in the European Context: Exploring a Balance between Protecting the Weaker Party and Autonomy of Will
Czech original: Nesezdané soužití v evropském kontextu: hledání rovnováhy mezi ochranou slabší strany a autonomií vůle
Lucie Straka -
Rises and Falls of the European Investment Policy in Its Fifteen
Czech original: Vzestupy a pády patnáctileté evropské investiční politiky
Ondřej Svoboda
Conferences and Reports
Report from the Conference “Disinformation and Hate Speech in the Online World: Challenges of the Contemporary Information Environment”
Czech original: Zpráva z druhého ročníku mezinárodní konference „International Legal History Meeting of PhD Students“
Milan Dobeš -
Report from the Second Annual International Conference “International Legal History Meeting of PhD Students”
Czech original: Zpráva z konference „Dezinformace a hate speech v online světě: Výzvy současného informačního prostředí“
Petr Gangur