Právník (The Lawyer), the “flagship“ of the Institute, is the oldest legal periodical published in the Czech Republic; it embodies the unique tradition of Czech legal scholarship.
As a general law journal, it features articles and comments on all important developments and relevant issues in legal theory and international, EU and national law. It regularly publishes book reviews and annotations on current titles, and it also reports on major conferences, seminars, and legal events in the Czech Republic and abroad. Occasionnally, Právník also presents legal materials that pertain to current legal issues. Although Právník addresses especially the Czech audience (articles are in Czech or Slovak only), foreign readers can take advantage of English summaries a keywords of its main articles and studies. Právník is a peer-reviewed journal, and it welcomes papers on any topical legal issue.
Current Issue: 3/2025
Bias of (Especially) Supreme Court Judges
Czech original: Podjatost soudců (zejména) nejvyšších soudů
Vojtěch Šimíček -
Research of the Relationship Between the Constitutional Court and Parliament Through the Review of the Constitutionality of Laws Initiated by Groups of MPs and Senators – Old Challenges and New Possibilities
Czech original: Zkoumání vztahu Ústavního soudu a Parlamentu prostřednictvím přezkumu ústavnosti zákonů iniciovaného skupinami poslanců a senátorů – stará úskalí a nové možnosti
Jana Ondřejková -
Financial Fraud with Authorized Payments: Are There Legal Tools to Defend Against It?
Czech original: Finanční podvody s autorizovanými platbami: existují právní nástroje, jak se proti nim bránit?
Anežka Karpjáková -
The Right to Establish Private Schools in the Context of the Right to Education
Czech original: Právo zřizovat soukromé školy z pohledu práva na vzdělání
Marek Blažek – Steven Vojáček -
Competence of Public University Authorities in the Context of the Management of Entrusted Property
Czech original: Pravomoci orgánů veřejné vysoké školy v kontextu nakládání se svěřeným majetkem
Zdenka Papoušková
Petr Hajn, ninety years old
Czech original: Petr Hajn devadesátiletý