doc. JUDr. František Cvrček, CSc.
Phone: +420 221 990 711
Research field
Legal theory, legal informatics, legal philosophy, legislation, legal language, analysis of Czech legal order, analysis of the legal texts, legal corpus
- Faculty of Law, UJEP Brno (JUDr.)
- Institute of State and Law, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSc.)
- Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague - Postgradual study mathematic analyses of data
- Faculté internationale de droit comparé Strasbourg (Diplôme Supérieur de Droit Comparé)
- Lexical Ontologies for Legal Information Sharing - LOIS (European Comission)
- Electronic Legal Dicitionary PES (The Czech Science Foundation GACR)
- PESNEW (New Version of the Electronic Legal Dictionary (Strategy 21 CAS)
Pedagogical work
- Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague (external associate professor)
- Faculty of Law, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (chief of the Department Theory of Law)
- Autumn School of Law (lecturer, International School for Phd.
Other work in academic sphere
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Právník (The Lawyer Jorunal, Institute of State and Law, CAS)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Iuridica (Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Legal Letters (Faculty of Law, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen)
- Member of the European Association for Legislation
- Member of the Academic Council (Faculty of Law, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen)
- Member of the IVR (International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy)
- Member of the Council of Accreditation of the University (Czech Ministry for Education)
Activities in the field of scientific popularization
Lectures for the Czech Academy of Sciences nad the Senate of the Czech Republic
Other important activities related to scientific work
maintenance of the data regarding Czech legal order, legal corpus, electronic dictionary PES and maintenance of the Centre for the Czech Legal Language (Department of the Institute of the State and Law)